
Saturn’s rings span up to about 3/4 of the distance between the Earth and its moon. If Saturn’s rings span up to 179,000 kilometers, what is the distance between Earth and its moon?

Accepted Solution

Answer:The distance between Earth and its moon is about [tex]238,667\ km[/tex] Step-by-step explanation:Lety ------> Saturn’s rings span upx -----> the distance between the Earth and its moonwe know thatThe linear equation that represent this situation is[tex]y=\frac{3}{4}x[/tex] -----> equation A[tex]y=179,000\ km[/tex] -----> equation Bsubstitute B in equation A and solve for x[tex]179,000=\frac{3}{4}x[/tex]Multiply by 4/3 both sides[tex]x=179,000(\frac{4}{3})[/tex][tex]x=238,667\ km[/tex]